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April Book recommendation

April 28, 2022
Fantastic Mr. Fox -- Roald Dahl Fantastic Mr. Fox is a hilarious book that readers in Grades 2-5 will adore. Three horribly cruel, but also entertaining farmers are out for revenge against Mr. Fox, who has been stealing their livestock …

Parents think they know better

April 9, 2022
Recently a parent client complained about a book his son had brought home from the school library about how to be a better person regarding Indigenous peoples and other people of color. Tensions are running high in BC, where schools …

What’s Wrong With Teachers?

March 24, 2022
The problem is how teachers feel about workload versus pay.  Studies from across Canada consistently show that teachers work an average of 50 to 55 hours per week. Teachers work 10 to 20 hours per week outside of regular school …

Death to Standardized Tests

March 16, 2022
Michael Mityok PRINCIPLE, FOUNDER UBC: BA in Literature and Education 25+ years of teaching experience 10+ years of university counselor/pathway Michael has successfully helped students to admitted to the following universities: Harvard University MIT Stanford University University of Southern California …

Deep Dive

March 11, 2022
Michael Mityok PRINCIPLE, FOUNDER UBC: BA in Literature and Education 25+ years of teaching experience 10+ years of university counselor/pathway During COVID I have rediscovered something I used to do when I was kid naturally – I started reading and …

A New Vision For School

March 2, 2022
So ideally school would have students feel like they are supported to be in charge rather than just be “passengers” or worse “prisoners” of a system that does not provide individual avenues of exploration. In this type of school, teachers …

What are the problems with Education?

February 11, 2022
According to Jal Mehta, Professor of Education and Faculty Co-Chair Learning Design, Innovation, and Technology (LDIT) at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, most students by high school find it tedious, and most worryingly, irrelevant:   When Gallup asked teens in …

Learn By Doing

January 14, 2022

I know this may seem odd coming from someone who owns/runs a private academy, but increasingly I believe you learn best by doing the thing you’re trying to get good at. Broad background reading and study are helpful when learning …